The Heart of the Matter
This article has been written for Canadian Physique Alliance – May/June 2022 Edition
For as long as I can remember we’ve always used our “Heart” in defining a purpose, a meaning, a promise, in explaining the importance of something. “heart felt, follow your heart, listen to your heart, don’t break my heart, with all my heart, on my heart, cross my heart”. Is there any you know that I’ve missed? Now these are metaphorical examples of course; however they represent something truly unique to our human experience and well yes to our “Heart” a representation that no other organ represents. Or maybe we’d say, “Just follow your liver and everything will be ok”… Can you imagine? Wouldn’t that turn out a mess? In all seriousness, our heart is a focal point of our existence, our motor, it is our most important organ and we must never forget or lose sight of just how critical our heart health is. In my opinion this is where all those metaphors come from, a place and time when it was taken a lot more literally, and then it is now in our current culture.
So within this article, I will discuss some incredibly critical factors regarding protection, maintenance and prevention all aimed at our Heart Health. The areas of this discussion are much less common to the average person than in the mainstream, and equally in our contemporary medical industry business model.
Most people regard the health and longevity of our hearts to be a somewhat scary topic, yet it doesn’t have to be, I believe the best way to approach such a necessary topic, is with informed, open dialogue, I’m not trying to take this down a road of depressing, morbidity. On the contrary, I want to encourage us to all speak more openly about this and for these discussions to be ones we have regularly within our daily lives. Critical involvement right, not just a conversation had every 6 to 12 months with our Doctors or Healthcare Providers. We need to know what we are doing to influence our lifestyle, health and of course, our hearts.
Ultimately, to not damage or fly blind as to what we may be doing that can cause issues, now or in the future, makes you think doesn’t it? So what are the right discussions to have? What testing can we do to ourselves on a regular basis? What information and data do we need to look at, to give us a correct bearing on what we should be aware of, concerned about, and protecting ourselves against? What WE need to address with our healthcare professionals, rather than to just wait for the results of a basic, “One Size Fits All Basic Chem. Panel”.
So what you’ll find in this article is information on things that we are not aware of, paying attention to, or gaining perspective on, there are many things our doctors are not testing for, or are looking deeper into. All this information is in our capabilities to attain, information that is much more intricately detailed and much more important to look into, than what’s broadly provided. To be clear, I am not a doctor, I am not telling you what to do, or advocating against what YOUR doctor tells you, I am merely providing information that will leave you with more tools and greater information to go forward with individually as well as what to talk to your doctor about, I will provide key details, not just the basics when you go in for your check up. Moreover and most importantly what you can do on your own, on a daily basis, to stay connected to your heart, its health maintenance and promote the life of your heart’s longevity.
On that note, LET’S get right into the HEART OF THE MATTER!
Why is it that in some cases, what matters most seems to be often neglected, denied purposely, forgotten about or just all together avoided? Is it human nature? Are we master procrastinators, or maybe it as simple as fear of the unknown? Is it that we just feel better leaving something so important in the hands of others, when it really begins and ultimately ends with us? The medical professionals we see routinely, once or twice a year, tell us what has already happened and NOW what we need to do. In many sad and untimely cases, it ends up being too late….
In 2022 alone, 21 well known Bodybuilding and Fitness Professionals have passed due to heart related issues. We live in kind of a bubble, as we have a smaller community than that of football, basketball or other kinds of high intensity and demanding athletic involvement. So 21 is a very high number and this is only what we know about from what’s been publicly reported and shown on our “media outlets”. Heart related mortality issues seem to on the rise in our current time, and within our small community.
Today we are going to focus on contributing factors to heart related risks, and how we can preemptively protect ourselves while getting ahead of possible issues that could otherwise, in some cases inevitably befall us, the eventuality of our mortality and for some, their untimely demise.
What is heart disease? Heart disease is any condition that affects the structure or function of the heart. Most people think of heart disease as one condition, but in fact, heart disease is a group of conditions with many different root causes. “Aka Co-morbidities”
There are in fact a great many, however I’m going to focus on the most common that we find in North America leading to the greatest risk to mortality.
First, a brief summary of some heart diseases and contributing factors we see commonly, atrial fibrillations (arrhythmia), there are many types of arrhythmia, but they all stem from a heart that beats too quickly or too slowly. Atherosclerosis occurs when calcium plaque and certain kinds of lipid materials build up on the inside wall of an artery, making them thick and hard, this restricts the flow of blood and can lead to a blockage. Cardiac arrest, is when the heart suddenly stops beating. Heart attack, simply put, the heart is a muscle and cannot get enough oxygen.
Enlarged heart, an enlarged heart (also known as cardiomegaly), is an increase in the size of the heart, this is usually caused by another medical condition from birth, however it is *something much more common in the athletic community*, then general population genetic predisposition. It’s also very important to say that within the athletic community, a thicker ventricle wall, as well as a larger heart, is connected to the growth and development of the bodies muscle in general and is not a focus of risk factor. Enlargements of the heart and thickened left ventricle are often the result of life long high intensity athletic endeavours, common with football players, sprinters and yes bodybuilders alike.
Added to this, evidence shows a link to the use of PED‘s, and enlarged heart. Heart block, this is a type of arrhythmia (called bradycardia), this happens when the heart’s electrical signals are too slow or interrupted. Heart failure is when your heart isn’t strong enough to pump your blood effectively; this can cause fluid to pool in your lungs or your ankles and legs. Pulmonary embolism, this is when a blood clot gets lodged in the artery of a lung, clots most often start in the legs and travel up through the right side of the heart and into the lungs, clots from thick sticky blood, high iron content in our blood, and super high RBC is also very common in our athletic community.
Make no mistake and I won’t sugar coat this, PED’S are largely responsible for Increases in hematocrit and hemoglobin, negatively impacting blood viscosity. Blood being thick and sticky, platelets lumping together is also propagated by, irresponsible dietary choices as well as not doing year round cardio, cardio being the most effective exercise for the heart. Moreover PED’s are suspended in oils like cottonseed oil, certain types of vegetable and seed oils when exposed to heat and light cause them to denature, oxidize and become chemically altered. We have more on chemically altered fats later in this article.
There are also several generic contributors like Marfan syndrome, this is an inherited disorder that affects your connective tissue, also IRD’s (inherited rhythm disorders) people with this condition experience irregular heartbeats like the arrhythmias mentioned above. So given the brief overview,
today I want to focus on the 3 that are responsible for the majority of heart disease related mortality in North America.
Blood Pressure; this is the big scary one to a lot of people, properly explained, this is the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls. This one is very, very simple, get a testing kit, and keep a tracker to update your numbers. 120/80 is the preferred norm for ‘Systolic/Diastolic Pressure’. Systolic pressure (measures the forces of blood against your artery walls while your ventricles — the lower two chambers of your heart — squeeze, pushing blood out to the rest of your body). ‘Diastolic pressure ‘(measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart is at rest between beats). Anything under 120 for systolic is optimal, under 100 you are a bit low, over 130 is not optimal and you can do the math, that as this number increases this is BAD scenario rapidly extrapolate to dangerous.
If your diastolic is between 60-80, that is AWESOME! Over 80 and climbing, again not great, under 60 and you’re probably not getting off the couch too easy. So simply, we want our blood pressure to be optimal not too high and not too low. Now friends, please remember this is the foundation of Blood Pressure reading, we should be very aware of this and have a consistent healthy relationship with monitoring our blood pressure. Yes, even before triglycerides/ cholesterol and atherosclerosis etc etc. again, please purchase a testing kit and check your blood pressure in the morning at rest and 12 hours later at rest. I really don’t understand why so many of us neglect this, it’s so simple and so very informative, there are many natural things we can do to correct it if it’s off and caught early.
What can we identify as the main contributors to high BP and heart health risk? (Not including genetic issues that we may have within our family history). Even so, we can overcome our generic predisposed issues if we are well enough informed and don’t just let “things slide”. In my opinion, it all comes down to our lifestyle choices.
We know that smoking, drinking, stress and eating junk food is bad, well that’s pretty basic. PED’S are a very important part of this equation, as for those who choose to use them, you need to understand that on their own without contingent strategies laid in place, they can pose a high risk to negatively influencing a healthy BP. Now ask yourself, does my lifestyle, habits and behaviour contribute to the daily consideration of these main risk factors? We have so much availability to help, treatments, methods and counsel to avoid these risks and if you are at risk, again take the proper steps to correct it.
Yes, HIGH BP leads to heart failure, it is unfortunately very common in those diagnosed with chronic high blood pressure, so focussing on high blood pressure and how this leads to the myriad of heart related issues that I mentioned above, is very necessary. I must ask again, what’s giving us high blood pressure, imbalances in cholesterol and calcification of our arteries, atherosclerosis? Simply put, this is all directly related to what we are we putting into our body nutritionally, what we are expending from our bodies to help energetically protect our hearts, conversely not doing that is constricting blood flow, hardening the arteries and influencing the risk factors of all aforementioned.
All of these things in my opinion, and experience with many clients over a career spanning almost 2 decades, the main factor, truly is diet and exercise. It all starts with diet THE most critical thing in our life. So you may be asking yourself, what the heck are we eating, and how what we eat, supplement with and do athletically is capable in helping produce strong hearty hearts with incredible longevity. Again on the surface “diet and exercise” simple, yet too ambiguous. Well I could write about contributing factors for pages, so reach out to me to do some digging. Test your BP and become informed on what you are personally doing to influence healthy or unhealthy BP.
Now that we have some basic understanding of BP, let’s peel back some DEEPER layers and get into a couple things, rarely discussed that deserve serious attention. Omega 3’s, from essential fats, found in their raw un-denatured state, more specifically the omega 3 ratio in our bodies. Focusing here on, The Omega 3 Index Test. The omega-3 index test is a predictor of events.
It is an effective marker to be able to recognize what risk factors you’re at, this is key and it is equal to the importance of BP. It’s very much connected to a healthy level of BP, thus it comes before, way before, cholesterol and triglycerides. A low omega 3 ratio means we are at risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis and typically means that we are severely insulin resistant.
Yet again, I lovingly write these three direly important words, ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS. That key word “essential” before fatty acids is not there as a gimmick or advertisement, it means necessary to the creations, sustainability and quality of our biology as well as our neurological, biochemical and physiological being. It’s so important that it should be first created for, however it is largely missed and unfortunately too often neglected.
Ultimately what is happening is that the medical community is largely ignoring this and just shelving it as a “nutrient” without much depth or recognition. It makes me think of those men, 150 years ago on the ships sailing around the world, imagine if they were told that Vitamin C was just a ‘nutrient’ but that their teeth and hair would fall out in a week without it.
Currently in our western diet and culture omega-3 index is around 4%, and we need to be closer to 8%, so we are falling short by 50%, this is incredibly common. Unfortunately, doing things like eating omega eggs, grass fed animals and deep sea caught proteins doesn’t raise those levels high enough. Far too often we are misled by labelling and we are not putting the right forms of raw un-denatured, non-oxidized chemically sound omega-3 DHA and EPA into our diets.
The only way to do this with food is if every serving of protein that we eat was only from deep sources, like salmon, krill, herring or mackerel, this would still put us only around 6.5%. How do we know this? Studies conducted by Dr. Bill Harris PhD and associates in the early 90s. The research and studies were being conducted simultaneously as the release of statins on the prescription market had become the mainstream norm, nothing about changing our fats to carb ratios, nope just taking a drug was supposed to be the solution to it all.
We will have more on this a bit later in this article, regarding a meta-study done over the last 20 years on statins. So for the omega 3 study, as you might imagine there was a significant amount of time put into the omega 3 study, this wasn’t a one-off, it focussed specifically on omega-3, omega-3 ratio food-based inclusion and supplementation for several years.
In a double blind testing analysis environment, with subjects consuming our typical western diet, food pyramid esq. other test subjects were supplementing fish oil by tbsp. to drinking up to a half a cup of salmon oil daily. While a second portion of the omega-3 group we’re supplementing with 4g/day of fish capsules and no there were no cases of severe or even moderate blood thinning in either group.
Another group of subjects were eating all the omega rich foods both plant and animal based. The findings were monumental; the Omega-3 (liquid oil rich group) had the lowest atherogenic cholesterol score while maintaining the most stable blood pressure as well as significantly higher HDL levels, showing an Omega-3 ratio being over 7. The individuals eating Omega-3 rich diets did not get their Omega-3 ratio above 5.56, which was the highest recorded within this group. The group supplementing with the fish oil capsules showed little to no increase in significant Omega-3 ratio.
Last but not least was the regular western diet subjects who showed a prevalence of insulin resistance and triglyceride rich VLDL and RLP cholesterol (more on this to come) and their Omega-3 ratios only being under 4. This study emboldens and reinforces the fact that we need to supplement with Omega-3, especially with the DHA and EPA synthesized from Omega-3. Why? Because our body does a decent job of extracting DHA and EPA from Omega-3 supplements like flax oil for instance, but we do not pull near enough of that conversion of the EPA and DHA, to make a significant impact. We specifically have a need for fish oil’s with available DHA’s and EPA’s. I mean grams of this stuff not a few hundred milligrams, but several thousand mg, closer to 3-4g/day minimum in liquid form! Great info right? So how do we know what our Omega-3 ratio is? Great news, we can do it ourselves!
I strongly suggest everyone purchase their own personal Omega-3 index test online. You can now buy them online. Mind blowing right? It’s amazing stuff but yet foreign and unheard of for most, please remember this simple test is a predictor or of events to come, a window into what could be if you will.
Next up, another uncommon yet deeply important and so specifically accurate measure of our risk factors should be highlighted. No, you can’t get this one online; yes it’s a doctor’s visit kind of test, so it should be brought up on your next trip to the doctor. What we want to look at is the culprit that clogs up our arteries, as I mentioned above, cholesterol testing is the most common platform. The common cholesterol test the “Friedewald Equation” was developed in 1972.
HDL/LDL Ratio says that if your LDL is high then you’re at great risk for cardiac issues. However this broad spectrum test is just not specific enough, it’s somewhat misleading and it is very convoluted. I know, I know, it fly’s in the face of traditional medicine you’re thinking of, but just wait, this will help expand your thinking!
For example, you can have somebody that is eating a responsible EFA rich ketogenic diet for something like Crohn’s or IBS (a medical condition largely brought on and a symptom of a highly Insulin potent diet, or a person suffering from insulin resistance). This can be easily solved by avoiding an inflammatory, insulin potent diet, and rich in processed sugar and food products. Individuals with these medical conditions can choose to become metabolically healthy by bringing carbs down while eating good fats, complete proteins and fibre.
By adding regular exercise to the diet means they are now burning fat, mainly their stored “fats” as fuel. So now when they get a basic Friedewald, cholesterol test, their cholesterol test comes back and the LDL cholesterol results are very high. Coincidentally, if ever a broad-spectrum cholesterol test is done after doing fasted cardio, a fasted HIIT session within a 4-6 hour window, this can also throw the LDL cholesterol numbers way up.
This would of course send the doctor directly to their prescription pad for a STATIN. As that’s the conclusion drawn from information they are given, by the Friedewald testing results. The very narrow prism of data and test results, based on mechanisms that are clouding their window into the inner picture of your body, is absolutely no fault of their own, they are simply going by the numbers of a very broad test. It’s just another reason why we have to be so deeply critically involved in our own health and what measures we need to take and tests to identify the test specific to what we need to identify.
What narrows the broad-spectrum test to specificity, is not expensive, $30-$40, and can be requested from your doctor. It is called ApoB to Apo1a ratio; this is testing for VLDLs (very low density lipoproteins) and RLP remnant Lipo proteins, the Atherogenesis of the cholesterol. The Friedewald equation only estimates at this, it is very important to remind ourselves that these factors (atherogenesis) are directly linked, correlated, and well plainly are part and parcel with insulin resistance. (You can read more of this in some of my previous articles). Again this all comes from what we eat, and what we do not burn, and conversely what we don’t eat and what we do burn, I know, I know…back to that old metric of simple diet and exercise.
So why is our LDL high when we’ve done a fasted HIIT workout or when we are on a metabolically healthy ketogenic program? Ok so I’m a big nerd right, these things are very interesting and exciting to me, yet still I feel like this is going to rock you, are you sitting down? OK good. Well the fact is that fat cells hold triglycerides and cholesterol, so when the client mentioned above is in the IBS / Crohn’s disease corrective diet, they are burning fat. The triglyceride from the fat cell is detached from the glycerol backbone and broken down into freeform fatty acids in the bloodstream. Being shuttled by hormone sensitive light pays into the mitochondria of ourselves and converted to an ATP, also to, the liver where the fats convert to ketones to be used as the primary fuel.
This is one of the most effective and a direct result, fat burning platforms, especially for digestive health and cardiovascular issue corrections. Ergo, as the stores Triglycerides are released, and the fat cell shrinks the cholesterol from the fat cell is eventually released into the blood stream. The thing is we can’t burn cholesterol as fuel, the old fat cell stores the cholesterol we built up from all the carbs once eaten, not burned for energy use and stored as FAT (The common western diet). We can’t even turn cholesterol it into a ketone, it has to travel to the liver and gallbladder to be dealt with, with the help of bile salts, then passed from the body. As this takes place, especially when people are holding a significant amount of fat, like the client mentioned above. This process slows down and backs up which elevates your LDL cholesterol numbers that show up on a blood test. Is it a danger? No. Is it a risk? No. It’s literally being transported out, it is fluffy, easily removed and largely insignificant and as it’s moving out of your body, because you’re doing it in a HEALTHY (diet and exercise savvy) strategic way. Remember, if you are a lean person with a little fat this is a pretty swift process, yet you will still likely show a high LDL for the first couple weeks on program.
As promised, more on those so called “wonder drugs” released in the 90s. Statins are the prescribed measure for treating for high LDL, in folks with poor cardiovascular health. The method of chemically lowering LDL has shown not to cut the risk factor of heart related issues. Unfortunately, they actually lead to a myriad of other issues and side effects that even more drugs are prescribed for, to treat issues caused by the statins, according to recent 2020 meta-analysis of over 20 studies, including over 140,000 individuals, published by The Journal of the American Medical Association, showing the long term effects of cholesterol
treatment by way of statins.
The conclusion, showed no significant and no more than a minimal and marginal effect on the overall cause of heart disease, mortality and stroke. Get this, as of last year a report by the CDC even during a worldwide pandemic, showed that the main cause of death in North America is still heart disease and heart related strokes. Yet statins have been prescribed since 1994 as the main treatment, touted in the early 2000s as a miracle cure that would all but nullify the rising mortality of heart disease. Nope! So there we have it again, even more evidence that drugs are not always the best way to treat symptoms, rather we need pre-emptive, conscious and formative action to be able to deal with our bodies needs and priorities.
Remember, your body makes cholesterol in your liver for a reason, and it is important that we understand that this is to primarily heal damage to our arteries. So unless we’re eating a metabolically unhealthy diet, the main issues relating to harmful cholesterol in an unhealthy metabolic diet is insulin resistance, and poor metabolic health.
Typically from years and years of primary carb based diets and irresponsible sugar intake. Yup, the food pyramid! So this coupled with oxidized vegetable oils, found in most carbohydrate packaged food products. That’s right when a product is labelled Omega-3 and Omega-6 and it is not RAW, it is full of oxidized chemically altered Omega fats. Oxidized vegetable oils ARE POISON, just like refined, simple high fructose corn syrups are poisons. Vegetable oils, when added to food products, are one of the main components of the population’s rising atherogenic cholesterol.
Atherogenic cholesterol IS THE CULPRIT, it all comes down to this, we must know our APOB to APO1A ratio! What we must focus our attention on is the overwhelmingly high amount of sugars, with oxidized oils, simple carbohydrates, refined processed food products, hyper palatable, enriched white flour, calorie dense insulin potent and nutritionally vacant food is most significant in creating this risk, surging insulin production and forcing these materials into our body to battle with. Yes you guessed it, creating sticky atherogenic cholesterol while storing it in our arteries. Most people are never doing enough exercise to burn off the carbohydrates eaten. Individuals that are not heavily muscled legitimately need to have equal exercise expenditure to carbohydrate intake ratio. In a carb rich environment, the more muscle we have the more room we have to replace carbohydrates burnt from the muscles in the form glycogen. We have a significant amount of room in muscles and a nominal amount of room in our liver that feeds the brain.
One thing I find very interesting is over the years since this is been available, I haven’t had one client or met anyone that has done these tests On their own recognizance, nor have I known of, or heard of any doctors who have recommended that this test be administered. Obviously for very, very important and critical purposes. The APO1A test as well as the Omega-3 ratio test needs to be at the forefront.
These give insight on what risk we are at, for certain factors of heart disease and conversely how we can protect ourselves from any of these risk factors. So let’s get on this!
Last but not least of the Heart of the Matters is, calcification of our arteries or calcium deposits, aka Atherosclerosis, a brood term for the hardening of the arteries calcium plaque building up inside our arteries, along with atherogenic lipoprotein particles. The specific test for this is our calcium score, The amount of plaque observed in a CT scan.
I have to say this is troubling, in our western culture, we lead the world in calcium intake through the root of dairy consumption, but we also lead the world for the highest rate of Atherosclerosis and Osteoporosis, this means that we have calcium in our arteries but not in our bones. Inadequate calcium intake can lead to decreased bone mineral density, which can increase the risk of bone fractures, our medical industry has for many years promoted and have always told us to drink milk “It does a body good!”. Hell, we are hammered by that advertisement for the last six decades and it is fed to us like it is religion/science. When in fact, it’s total B.S! What? Yes, I just said that. Read on my nerds…
Calcium in milk does not get to our bones; the highly acidic “lactose” in milk actually lowers our pH. As we know from basic chemistry, to neutralize an acid we need a base and minerals like calcium, so we are literally leaching calcium from our bones to compensate for the high amount of acidic materials and the largest amount of this is coming from milk.
For example there’s about 13 g of lactose sugar in a cup of milk and about 100 mg of calcium. Supplemental calcium promotes bone mineral density and strength this can prevent osteoporosis, yet in recent studies, scientific evidence suggests that elevated consumption of calcium through dairy and supplements may raise the risk for heart disease and can be connected with accelerated deposit of calcium in blood-vessel walls and soft tissues.
So what’s the deal? We need help, we aren’t getting the calcium to go where it needs we need a transport for the calcium, that happens to be, vitamin K2. It is associated with the inhibition of arterial calcification and arterial stiffening, an adequate intake of vitamin K2 has been shown to lower the risk of vascular damage because it activates matrix GLA protein (MGP) which inhibits the deposits of calcium on the walls. Vitamin K, particularly as vitamin K2, is nearly nonexistent in junk food, with very little being consumed even in a healthy Western style diet. Vitamin K deficiency results in inadequate activation of MGP, which greatly impairs the process of calcium removal and increases the risk of calcification of the blood vessels, an increased intake of vitamin K2 could be a means of lowering calcium-associated health risks.
Calcium’s ability to lower blood pressure and lower levels of atherogenic blood cholesterol strongly contributes to heart health. I found this reference to a prospective cohort study of postmenopausal women from Iowa, which connected higher calcium intake to a lower risk of death due to heart disease through the controlled supply of calcium in the blood; this had been propped up by industry to promote the sales of the food product, MILK. Most recently, several studies have cast doubt on the notion that “more is better” when it comes to calcium intake and prevention of cardiovascular disease.
In contrast, vitamin K2 is associated with the inhibition of arterial calcification and arterial stiffening, which means that increased vitamin K2 intake could be a means of lowering calcium-associated health risks. However, since 1950, the consumption of vitamin K has decreased gradually, and the rate of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis has steadily increased. Even a well-balanced diet might not provide vitamin K in amounts sufficient for satisfying the body’s needs. Further, due to modern manufacturing processes, the vitamin K content, particularly the vitamin K2 content of the food supply today has significantly dropped, making vitamin K2 supplements a more reliable way to secure adequate intake.
By striking the right balance in intake of calcium and K2, it may be possible to fight osteoporosis and simultaneously prevent the calcification and stiffening of the arteries. A new clinical study with vitamin K2 supplementation showed an improvement in arterial elasticity and regression in age-related arterial stiffening (data pending publication). Most important through its activation of K–dependent proteins, Vitamin K2 can optimize calcium use in the body, preventing any potential negative health impacts associated with increased calcium intake.
Now please remember, calcium is very important especially for older adults children and postmenopausal women, but we need to render effective calcium intake and for certain not over consume dairy, we really avoid that crap all together in this nutritionist’s opinion. (unless it’s rare and a fun cheat meal). We need to have the right amount of Vitamin K daily, this promotes arterial flexibility by preventing accumulation of arterial calcium, and supplementation with it could correct calcium amounts in the body that are out of balance. Thus, calcium in tandem with vitamin K2 may well be the solution for bringing necessary bone benefits while circumventing an increased risk for
I know I touched on Omega fats in pretty much every article, because they are foundation of our biological chemical and cellular health. So I will close with a little more of their fundamental place in our life and lifestyle, we don’t synthesize proteins effectively without them, our lipid layer cell membranes are mainly comprised of Omega-3’s, without these essential fats there is not enough allowance for proper fluidity. This comes down to proteins, vitamins, minerals and yes of course the ancillaries (hormones etc.) that are used for our physiques getting to the place they need to be inside the cells nucleus. Responsible appropriate source essential fats are our foundation.
So, for the sake of critical involvement in every aspect of our health life and lifestyle, for your protection and maintenance of cardiopulmonary function, the motor which powers our carbon-based proteins, feeding biological form please take all that you’ve read here today into consideration, we are responsible for our health, it is no one else’s, nor should we expect anyone to keep track and up-to-date and in front of any of these factors for us. Get your BP test kit, check twice daily (at rest chill relax and test 3 times over 10 min, record the average). Order your Omega-3 index test, make sure you are above 6 preferably 7.5-8., ask your doctor to order your APO1A to APOB ratio test. Most importantly, do not be afraid, we put so much time and effort into building our bodies and conditioning our lives around our passion, it is a no brainer to be equally critically involved with our heart health as with our physical condition.
Let’s all live long, healthy, strong and fulfilling lives. WITH ALL MY HEART, I implore you to pay the necessary attention to the HEART OF THE MATTER, until next time everyone stay safe, strong, healthy, focused, seeking and always reaching for a higher standard every day AF.